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Pediatric Eye Care At Brooks Eye Center & Optical

As a premier pediatric eye care center in Columbus, GA, we understand the critical role of vision in your child's growth and development. That's why we nurture children's visual health from infancy through adolescence.

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Vision & Children’s Development

Vision is integral to a child's growth, influencing everything from learning to social interactions. Most parents believe that as long as their children can see clearly, they have the eyesight they need to excel at school and life.

Having good vision is more than just seeing clearly. It includes a variety of visual skills that are important for learning and growing properly. These skills include eye

tracking, focus, depth perception, and visual processing speed, which together help children interpret and interact with their environment effectively.

During a pediatric eye exam in Columbus, Dr. Brooks will check for common refractive errors like myopia and look for any signs that a child is struggling with visual tasks. Strabismus (crossed eyes), amblyopia (lazy eye), and other problems with eye alignment could point to underlying visual problems that might affect a child's ability to learn and engage with their environment effectively.

More frequent and specialized exams may be necessary for premature infants or those with developmental concerns. These allow for close monitoring and timely intervention in case of any changes.

From Birth to 24 Months

Our pediatric eye doctors are proud InfantSEE® providers who recommend that your child have their first comprehensive infant eye exam at 6 to 24 months. At this foundational stage, we assess your baby’s ability to see vivid colors, focus at varying distances, and track moving objects.

This assessment is free of charge as part of the InfantSEE® program, which aims to ensure that eye and vision care becomes integral to infant wellness care to improve a child's quality of life.

Thriving Through Preschool Years (2-5 Years)

During the formative years, fine motor skills and visual perception significantly grow, impacting activities like reading, writing, and playing. Routine pediatric eye care ensures early detection of vision issues that may negatively affect learning and development once your little one begins school. If you notice signs like squinting, double vision, frequent headaches, or avoiding visual activities that are typically enjoyable, then your child may be experiencing vision problems.

Navigating Adolescence (6-18 Years)

As children enter school and progress through their teenage years, vision plays a pivotal role in academic and social development. Conditions such as myopia (nearsightedness) commonly develop during this period, making annual eye exams necessary to monitor changes in visual acuity. They are also essential for eye coordination and overall ocular health.

Personalized Eye Care at Every Stage

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We are your dedicated pediatric eye doctor in Columbus, GA. We combine top-tier medical expertise with a compassionate, patient-centric approach tailored to each child’s needs.

Glasses and Contacts for Kids

We provide a variety of vision correction solutions tailored for children. Our selection of stylish glasses improves vision and is available in styles that appeal to children, which enhances self-confidence.

For children aged 11 to 14 who are active or conscious about their appearance, contact lenses can be a great alternative to eyeglasses. They allow them to freely engage in sports and other activities without inconvenience.

Learning and Vision: Cultivating Your Child's Potential

Sometimes, learning difficulties are rooted in vision problems. Watch for signs like avoidance of reading, eyestrain, or poor reading comprehension. Addressing these issues can alleviate frustration and enhance your child's academic performance.

InfantSEE®: Giving Your Baby a Clear Start

This invaluable service offers early detection of potential eye and vision problems, ensuring your baby gets the best start in visual development.

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Schedule an appointment today at Brooks Eye Center & Optical for quality and tailored pediatric eye care.

Let us be a part of your child’s journey to clear vision and successful development.